2010년 10월 4일 월요일

IAT320 - Body interface :: Responsive Environment >> Idea Brainstorming

* First Idea ::
   - Camera on the ceiling, taking images of user's image from the top view.
   - Projector faces towards the projected screen on the wall, projecting images of fish, or small animals 
     up on the wall and what is going to projected on the screen will be the top view of the user and the
     images created; fish or small animals.
   - When user comes into the screen, camera will capture the position of user.
   - And the fish or small animals that are being projected on the floor will avoid that user
     whose interacting with.
   - Users can interact with the projection in different ways, such as group them by forcing them into a
     group, using shadows, or race one object with another, and many more..

* Second Idea ::
  - Camera on back of the projection screen towards the user(facing the projected screen)
  - On the projected wall, there will be three different boxes and different shape of objects falling and
    users should be able to sort them out by their shapes or size, depending on user's preference.
  - Projector is placed behind the user to create shadow of user on the projected screen.
  - Objects will be chosen randomly but choice of sorting method is upon the user's preference.

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