Our sketch project is an interactive play-ground environment, which let users to deflect bars, that are moving across the screen from one side to another. A maximum of two bars can be on the screen simultaneously. The concept of our sketch was inspired by the concept of limbo game (LimboTime), that is a type of contra dancing which dancers try to go under the horizontal pole without touching it. Our sketch has similar structure in a way that interactors have to avoid graphic bar that is moving across the screen, but in addition interactors have ability to deflect the bar, up and down, to dodge the bar, depending on how would they want to avoid the bar that is approaching towards them. Also, our target audience is people over age of 12, because, in order to interact with our sketch, one has to have appropraite height, otherwise, it would be hard to interact with the interface due to the camera setting and location of the projected image.
:: Limbo ::
Limbo game
:: Interaction ::
Interaction of our project is fairly simple. Basically, interactors will see bars moving across the screen and depending on position of bars on the screen, they would make it go up the screen by touching it on lower part and vice versa for making it go down. Deflection is made through interaction between interactor's body (arm) and the surface of the bars (upper and lower).
:: Technical component ::
- Projector, camera, screen, black curtain(dark background), patch file, and interactor for the setting.
- Within the patch file, there are several parts; capturing recorded images from camera, tracking
upper and lower part of the bar, controlling the movement of the bar, and combining bar
and recorded image into one movie window.
:: Research ::
We had to do a lot of technical research due to the lack of knowledge about programming. We tried to look at anything that can give us some idea on where to start and how to work it out such as, lab files, online tutorials, and open lab.
:: Demo ::
This is demo of how far we could get it to work (interaction between human body and bars).
This project was inspired by the type of dancing Limbo which is sometimes considered as a game and we chose to use this concept in order to create the fun play-ground virtual environment that everyone can enjoy in public space and exhibition area. This project suits in public area, because it does not take much time to interact with the interface and we thought that people would also enjoy seeing other people playing. Also, it could create an challenging atmosphere when people start to compare to each other's play. In fact, the limbo is the dancing/game that everyone can enjoy and meant to be played by many people, simultaneously.
Thank you for reading
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