2010년 11월 24일 수요일

IAT320 - Body interface :: Physical Interactive Skin >> Sketch 2


Concept : Visualizing sound/wind into movement of light.

                The concept of Whist.LED was derived from ordinary object; a whistle. A whislte is an object which produces sound from a stream of forced air. It may be mouth-operated, or powered by air pressure, steam, or other means. However, instead of sound, Whist.LED produces visual output, movement of light among series of LEDs.  Input of the sketch project is the wind that is being blown onto the whistle-like component of the system, and depends on how strong the pressure is determines the speed of the movement of the light along the series of LEDs. Also, LEDs are sewed on to the t-shirts in a image of wind blowing to visualize image of wind blowing (sound travel).

Input : Sound(from wind blown by users' breath) to an electret microphone.
  - Sound sensor was used as input sensor, using electret micro
 phone w/ amplifier. [schematic retrieved from tinker log]
  - Sensor measures pressure of wind created by participant’s 
 breath, and also sound created by participants or envrionment.

Output : Lights(visual) through numbers of LEDs attached to the t-shirt.

- According to values read from the sound sensor, movement of 
    light along numbers of LEDs changes.
- Visualizing wind and sound with LED lights. 

Research : I have done both concept and technical research for this project.

Concept research
- Examples from the lecture/lab
- Examples from the web
- On-line imagery research
- Drawing
- Exploration around the city

Technical research
- Sensor (Rotational sensor, hall-effect, wind sensor)
- Motor (for creating sensors)
- Lego(for creating sensors)
- Arduino programming
- Alternative sensors (sensitive touch sensors and etc)

Experiment with technical problems: I had technical difficulties with sensor and LEDs.


- My intention was to use rotational sensor to measure change in 
    angle of the rotational sensor to give different value to delay       
    between LEDs, but noticed that normal rotational sensor only 
    rotates from 0 degree to 360 degree. 
- I had to come up with different sensor that either reset every
    time, it reaches 360 degree, or contiuously rotates.
- I researched over different types of sensors that can satisfy this 

* Solution was to come up with sound sensor that uses microphone to catch the sound  when wind is blowing. [This sensor can be found in previous postings with schematics] *


- I had to choose which LEDs to work with and how I am going to arrange them.
- I experimented with five different colours of LEDs; red, yellow, white, blue, and green. And, I 
  decided to use blue, because the colour, blue is closest colour that resembles the colour of the 
  wind. Also, I tried to use different set of colours to play around with the project, but most of times, 
  other colours (other than blue) got dimmer as time passes, so I decided to stick with the blue, 
* Blue LEDs in parallel was the choice that I made to make all LEDs light up, reasonably at same rate(brightness) and to make circuit more safe. *

Also, I haven't used any resistor for the LEDs, because when I was experimenting, whenever I attached resistor on it, it did not work, so for the purpose of demonstration, I removed the resistor from the circuit (only for LEDs). But, I do realize it is not really safe to do that, it might damage the LEDs and the Arduino board as well.

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